GeomCaliper® V3.0 for Creo Parametric Release notes
- GeomCaliper Support for CATIA V5R34
- ‘Define’ button added to define the maximum and minimum value for the ‘Thickness Checker – Sphere’ method.
- Help added for ‘Define’ dialog box.
Bug Fixed:
- Generating test.txt file on desktop after launching GeomCaliper from CATIA V5 issue fixed.
GeomCaliper® V2.11.0 for Creo Parametric Release notes
- GeomCaliper Support for CREO 10.
- GeomCaliper Help and Tutorial documents updation.
Bug Fixed:
- GC Thickness Checker >> Sphere Method >> Ignore Thickness at Edges issue.
GeomCaliper® V2.10.3 for Creo Parametric Release notes
Bug Fixed:
- GeomCaliper fails to execute parts opened from PLM environment issue fixed.
GeomCaliper® V2.10.2 for Creo Parametric Release notes
- Multibody support.
Bug Fixed:
- Sphere method report point data generation issue fixed.
GeomCaliper® V2.10.1 for Creo Parametric Release notes
Bug Fixed:
- GeomCaliper fails to executes parts opened from PLM environment.
- GeomCaliper fails to load in CREO 4.0 with missing libraries.
GeomCaliper® V2.10. for Creo Parametric Release notes
- GeomCaliper support for Creo v9.0.
- Support for Microsoft Edge and Chrome for GeomCaliper Help and Tutorials.
- Support for Microsoft Edge and Chrome for GeomCaliper Report.
- This version supports CREO 4.0, CREO 5.0, CREO 6.0, CREO 7.0, CREO 8.0 and CREO 9.0.
GeomCaliper® V2.8.1 for Creo Parametric Release notes
Bug Fixed:
- Granite version upgraded to solve the Geomcaliper execution issue on Creo 8.
GeomCaliper® V2.8.0 for Creo Parametric Release notes
- Added support for Creo Parametric 8.0.
- GeomCaliper Performance issue fixed.
- This version supports CREO 4.0, CREO 5.0, CREO 6.0, CREO 7.0 and CREO 8.0.
GeomCaliper® V2.7.2 for Creo Parametric Release notes
Bug Fixed:
- Crash on Windows 10 (Build Code 19041 and 19042)
GeomCaliper® V2.7.1 for Creo Parametric Release notes
- Foreign Language string in CAD part path.
Bug Fixed:
- Incorrect Creo directory path added while installation.
- Detection issues of Creo 7.0 installation path.
GeomCaliper® V2.7 for Creo Parametric Release notes
Added support for Creo Parametric 7.0 Please note:
- Discontinued support for Creo Parametric 3.0
- Limitation: multibody part analysis is not supported
GeomCaliper® V2.6.2 for Creo Parametric Release notes
- Bug fix of GeomCaliper installation for Creo 6.0
GeomCaliper® V2.6.1 for Creo Parametric Release notes
Supported latest Creo Patches
- CREO 3.0 – M190
- CREO 4.0 – M110
Bug Fixed:
- GeomCaliper floating license was only available for Admin user. Non-admin user was not able to fetch the license.
GeomCaliper® V2.6 for Creo Parametric Release notes
- Added support for Creo Parametric 6.0
GeomCaliper® V2.5 SP3 for Creo Parametric Release notes
- GeomCaliper will launch directly when Creo part is launched from WindChill PLM.
- Added support for Creo Family Table functionality. Users can now perform thickness analysis on family table members.
Please note:
- Limitation for Creo 1 & Creo 2 for windchill integration.
- Generic parts can be opened only when ‘no server’ is set as primary.
GeomCaliper® V2.5 SP2 for Creo Parametric Release notes
- Added support for Creo Parametric 5.0.
- This version includes evaluation license generator.
GeomCaliper® V2.5 SP1 for Creo Parametric Release notes
- Locate multiple critical regions in one go using enhanced Probe functionality.
Please note: GeomCaliper for Creo Parametric is supported on 64-bit version only. This is due to discontinued support of 32-bit version from PTC Creo Parametric 4.0
GeomCaliper® V2.5 for Creo Parametric Release notes
- Added support up to: Creo 4 M020 Creo 3 M140 Creo 2 M240
- Enhancement of import critical thickness regions option.
Please note: GeomCaliper for Creo Parametric is supported on 64-bit version only. This is due to discontinued support of 32-bit version from PTC Creo Parametric 4.0
GeomCaliper® V2.4 SP9 for Creo Parametric Release notes
- Added PLM tracking option
- Added annotation import option for critical thickness regions
GeomCaliper® V245 SP8 for Creo Parametric Release notes
- Support provided for Windows 10 on 64 bit
- Support upgraded to version M230 for Creo 2.0 and M110 for Creo 3.0
Please Note: GeomCaliper on Creo Parametric will not be supported on Windows 10, 32 bit version GeomCaliper on Creo Parametric will not be supported 32 bit platform in upcoming releases.
GeomCaliper® V2.4 SP7 for Creo Parametric Release notes
- Added ‘flip feature’ to invert colors in GeomCaliper options
- GeomCaliper tessellation value settings are now remembered as default
GeomCaliper® V2.4 SP6 for Creo Parametric Release notes
- Added support for Creo Parametric 3.0
GeomCaliper® V2.4 SP4 for Creo Parametric Release notes
- Added support for Creo Parametric 2.0
GeomCaliper® V2.4 SP3 for Creo Parametric Release notes
- Added support for Creo Parametric 1.0
GeomCaliper® V2.4 SP1 for Creo Parametric Release notes
- Added support for Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0
- Improvements in model zoom using mouse wheel
GeomCaliper® V2.3 for Creo Parametric Release notes
- Improved Accuracy of Thickness Checker tool – Displays important and more relevant results only, by filtering out non-critical results.
- Templates – Create and load different templates of Options/Settings for different types of thickness analysis
GeomCaliper® V2.2 for Creo Parametric Release notes
- Support for Multi-Core Processing. Significant improvement in performance
- Critical Region Analysis in section thickness tools – ‘2D Thickness at Section’ and ‘3D Thickness at Section’
- Ability to preserve Color Band settings – Min-Max values, Interval number, Band colors etc. – for next computation
- Outside Range option in section thickness tools – ‘2D Thickness at Section’ and ‘3D Thickness at Section’
- Min and Max thickness columns in Critical Region result table
- New GeomCaliper License Manager tool – license configuration made easy
- Support for Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0
Issues Fixed-
- Issue ID 123366: Problem with the GC results display on different graphics driver.
GeomCaliper® V2.1 for Creo Parametric Release notes
- Customizable Color Band. Define your own intervals, colors and range values
- Thickness analysis based on Contact Distance in Sphere Method
- Enhanced mechanism for generating thickness analysis Reports
- Ability to find critical regions lying ‘Outside’ the given thickness range
- Define / Modify parameters like Status, Color and Comments for multiple critical regions at a time
- Customizable options for display of critical regions
- Performance Improvement:
- Significant Improvement in Visualization Performance for Large Models
- Computation Time Reduced by about 30 %
- Ability to Import GCX files created in version 2.0
Issues Fixed-
- Issue ID 123323: Issues with the tolerances in color band
- Issue ID 122593: Model loading issues with hanging vertices in the model
- Issue ID 124653: While configuring the licenses at the end of installation, Floating license cannot be configured if Node Lock license has been already configured
GeomCaliper® V2.0 for Creo Parametric Release notes
- Supported on Windows XP 64-bit edition
- Supported for 64-bit editions of Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0 and Wildfire 3.0
- Two new tools to analyze thickness along sections of the model -> ‘2D Thickness at Section’ and ‘3D Thickness at Section’
- Display contact distance between start and hit points in sphere method
- Ability rename areas in critical regions list
- Significant Performance Improvement
GeomCaliper® V1.0 for Creo Parametric Release notes
- Quick and accurate thickness calculation
- Easy to locate critical thickness areas
- Advanced visualization for easy interpretation of results
- Ability to clip model at any section
- Dynamic thickness display at point click
- Compute thickness at selected region
- Customizable reports in XML /HTML format